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Executive Function Training

Helping Your Family Stick to New Routines

It is now a couple of weeks into the new school year! It may be that those new routines that you set for yourself and …

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Parent Coaching

Three Ways to End this School Year with Intentionality

The end of the school year is upon us! Sweet pictures of kindergarten graduations are filling my scrolls through social media, and sentimental, reflective posts …

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Executive Function Training

Finding Goal-Oriented Solutions that Don’t Short-Circuit Your Brain

Have you ever labeled yourself or someone else in a negative way? This is more of a rhetorical question, not one to make you feel …

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motivation task initiation executive function
Academic Coaching

Motivation: How to Work With Your Brain to Get Things Done

Have you ever wondered where motivation comes from and how to have more of it? Perhaps you wonder about motivation when you are staring at …

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Interoception body mindfulness executive function
Executive Function Training

Interoception: What Our Body Tells Us About Executive Functioning

As a nine year old, I waited backstage before stepping out to play the piano.  My hands were sweaty and cold. I hated clammy hands, …

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Keeping kids on track academically
Academic Coaching

Small Ways to Keep Your Kids On Track This Year

This school year has, undoubtedly, been unlike any you have experienced before. Regardless of whether your kids are in-person, hybrid, or remote, there is a …

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Academic Coaching

New Year’s Resolution Success

To be honest, I am not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions. Not because I don’t like the idea of resolutions, but rather because …

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Executive Function Training

What I’ve Learned From the Pandemic

Every single one of my blog posts this year has started with an acknowledgment that 2020 has been a hard year. Regardless of our individual …

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Executive Function Training

The Most Important Thing for Successful Remote Learning

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: it is a difficult time to be a parent. Of course, this year has been …

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