Test Prep
Testing is stressful for parents and students alike, but it doesn’t have to be. Through our test prep services, our students master test content, hone test-taking strategies, and practice, practice, practice their way to success.
High School Test Prep
We will sit with your student for a diagnostic test that will determine the course of our work together based on desired outcomes. We provide students with ACT strategies, ACT practice questions, ACT practice tests, and online test prep resources along with a customized study plan designed to help students achieve their individual goals.
We will sit with your student for a diagnostic test that will determine the course of our work together based on desired outcomes. We provide students with SAT strategies, SAT practice questions, SAT practice tests, and online test prep resources along with a customized study plan designed to help students achieve their individual goals.
Hiring a professional to support your family in any capacity is an investment, so let’s have a conversation to see if we are a good fit. Through this initial conversation, we can determine how we can best collaborate in the service of your family.
K-8 School Test Prep
A private school staple, the ISEE can be given to students of all ages, and while it is a challenging test, a little practice goes a long way.
CPS students take the MAP/NWEA three times a year, and 7th grade scores can determine eligibility for selective enrollment high schools. A little time and effort spent preparing can make all the difference.
CPS High School Admissions Test
The High School Admissions Test is a test given to all 8th graders attending CPS schools. This can be a stressful test for students and parents as it tests curriculum that has and has not been taught in CPS classrooms. Give your student an advantage with a little extra support on this test.
The HSPT is the high school admissions test used for Catholic schools. This tests can be prepared for separately or in conjunction with the HSAT.
Other Tests
The standardized tests are constantly changing, but the skills being tested and the strategies that students can implement are not. If you don’t see the test that your student will be taking here, we are confident that we can still help your student prepare.
Free Consultation
Hiring a professional to support your family in any capacity is an investment, so let’s have a conversation to see if we are a good fit. Through this initial conversation, we can determine how we can best collaborate in the service of your family.
Approach & Process
We firmly believe that test scores are more a reflection of preparation than they are capability. Unfortunately, that means that the key to good scores isn’t easy but it is simple: practice.
Through continuous practice, we help students to master test content and to hone their test-taking strategies so that the whole process is second nature on test day.

How Test Prep Can Help
Some lucky test-takers can perform well without preparation, but more often than not, students struggle to demonstrate their full capabilities on test day for reasons ranging from test anxiety to shaky material retention to low self-confidence.
While we personally don’t love tests, they are an inevitable and necessary part of your child’s education, so we encourage families to embrace the opportunity to prepare for and undertake a challenge.
Preparing for the test is, in and of itself, a learning opportunity. Therefore, we are an advocate of providing your student the resources and support necessary to ensure that they not only feel confident and capable when they take the test, but that the test serves as a vehicle for a much more important lesson about setting, working toward, and achieving goals.
Higher test scores are often just a happy byproduct of this preparation. Without overemphasizing the importance of scores and by providing an opportunity for consistent and deliberate practice, we have helped students to not only achieve remarkable improvement on initial scores but to also receive perfect scores on these dreaded tests.
“We asked Lindsay to help our son prep for [the CPS Selective Enrollment High School Test]. Our son did get a perfect score on [that] test. And now, we have asked Lindsay to help our son again test prep for college AND tutor our 12 year old daughter who needs help test taking. Lindsay has been an investment … a ‘well worth it’ investment. Thank you Lindsay!”
– Bridget D., Chicago, IL
Invest in Your Child
Hiring a professional to support your family in any capacity is an investment, so let’s have a conversation to see if we are a good fit. In this free consultation we will determine how our collaboration can best serve your family.
Do you feel like your child, and your family, need something other than test prep? Please read more about our other services: Tutoring, Academic/Executive Function Coaching, Parent Coaching, and Online Tutoring.